Junctions, Outputs, Goals, Multi-select and Copy-paste

I probably should have released this sooner. This feels like two updates at once; of course I've been playing the latest version this whole time so some of the new features already feel old to me.

First, if you don't want to read this I've put up a new tutorial/lets play video which covers almost all the functionality in this new version.

Node Bestiary

Not all of these are new but since I'm listing the new ones I might as well go over all of them:



The miners (right) with their creation buttons (left)

Miners can only ever produce one kind of output and there are only three types of miners, A, B and C. All the other letters are created from combinations of production chains that begin with A, B and C.


A producer with it's creation button.

Producers can make any letter except A, B and C. They do this by taking three inputs and combining them to create one output. Each socket can take any number of input links and the input letters can come in any order. Producers have some internal storage shown as a blue ring. When a producer makes an output letter, it generates a little heat, shown as an inner red ring. The maximum rate a producer can make letters at is 10 per second but at that rate they will quickly overheat and slow to their sustained maximum output rate.

A producer showing some storage in use and a small amount of heat.
Producers start out with no assigned production letter. The first time they create an output (even if it's not send down a link) they get assigned that letter. This letter can be changed with the mouse wheel.


A junction with its creation button

Junctions are nodes that can help with routing. They can combine any number of inputs with any number of outputs. They have a lot of storage (10 times a production node) and they never overheat. 

A small junction network showing max output rate and storage


Outputs are how you get credit for producing a letter. Only letters that make it to an output are counted towards goals and totals.


There are now specific number goals for letter production before later letters are unlocked. They start out simple, create 10 D's, but quickly escalate to 1000s of letters before the next unlock.

Multi-Select and Copy-Paste

This is a real quality of life advance. You can now draw a selection box to select multiple nodes and their links. The selected nodes can then be dragged around as normal. It makes re-arranging flows so much more pleasant.

If you hit the numbers 1-4 when you have nodes selected the structure is saved into one of the four numbered slots at the bottom of the node creation panel. That way if you need more D's for a later letter you don't have to create all the structures again.

Selected D creation structure freshly recreated from the slot 1 button

That's it for this update. Thanks for reading.


Logistic.zip Play in browser
May 21, 2024

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